EasySort Lego Single-cell Microdroplet Sorting System
EasySort® Compact is a standalone system equipped with a large screen to visually control sorting. It achieves precise single-cell sorting, reliable encapsulation of target-cell into microdroplet and simple exportation of target one-cell microdroplet, while preserve the in situ state of the cell. EasySort is a complete yet simple solution for single-cell sorting in a "what-you-see-is-what-you-obtain" manner.
EasySort® can readily control the movement trajectory of single cells via optical tweezers, and rapidly wrap any target single cell (diameter > 1 μm) into a microdroplet by a gravity-driven technology, thus allowing downstream single-cell sequencing or cultivation. Therefore, EasySort® is universally applicable to any kinds of cells, including bacterial, archaeal, fungal, plant, animal and human cells.
The first commercialized instrument for precise sorting and then reliable micro-droplet packaging of single bacterial cell from complex samples, featuring preservation of cell viability, protection against contamination, and high quality of amplified single-cell DNA/RNA.
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