
RACS-Seq Raman-activated Optical Tweezers-based Cell Sorter

RACS-Seq® is an integrated instrument system that links single-cell metabolic phenome profiling, Raman-activated cell sorting, sample preparation for single-cell genome sequencing, and single-cell cultivation. Based on Single-cell Raman spectroscopy, RACS-Seq® allows direct classification of microbial species and measurement of a wide range of metabolic phenotypes (and their intercellular heterogeneity) for individual cells in a culture-free manner.

Moreover, in RACS-Seq®, each single-cell that is sorted based on its metabolic phenome can be encapsulated in a microdroplet for single-cell DNA/RNA amplification, enabling construction of high-coverage, low-bias single-cell nucleic acid libraries. In addition, single bacteria cell can be sorted and cultured in micro-droplets using this instrument.

The first commercialized instrument for Raman-activated single-cell sorting and sequencing; Funded by the Scientific Instrument Innovation Program of CAS; Funded by the Scientific Instrument Development Program of NSFC.

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Ramanome can quantitatively distinguish bacterial species, and simultaneously reveal catabolism, anabolism, metabolite-interaction network, stress/drug response, species interaction, etc.

Based on a RAGE chip, RACS-Seq® can readily control the movement trajectory of individual cells (diameter > 0.5 μm) of target Raman spectra via optical tweezers, and precisely wrap it and then rapidly export it into a microdroplet (~pL). It enables metabolism-based single-cell sorting in a "what-you-see-is-what-you-obtain" manner.

Owing to the RAGE-Seq technology, RACS-Seq® greatly reduces MDA amplification bias. The whole genome sequence coverage of a single E. coli cell can reach 99.5% (via pL-level single-cell DNA amplification in microdroplet), which is much higher than the control group (23%; μL-level amplification).


Precision Single-cell (Culture free)
Cell Type Ideal for microbiome samples from human, environment, etc.
Initial Cell Input Low to 10^4 CFU/mL
Accuracy > 95% (Identification time is less than 0.5 h)
Throughput ≥ 5 samples / h
Time for metabolic activity assay < 3 h
RACS Bacterial, archaea, and fungal cells larger than 0.5 μm (applicable to human, animal, plant and algae cells)
RACS mode Liquid + micro-droplet (Retaining cell activity, improving coverage and quality of single-cell sequencing, and ensuring the success of single-cell cultivation)
Rate 1-2 events/ min
Single-cell WGA No contamination, low amplification bias and high sequence coverage
Data feature Species of single pathogenic bacteria cell, drug-sensitivity phenotype (based on metabolic activity), sequence of drug-resistance gene, mutation map of drug-resistance gene, entire genome, and cell morphology, size and refractive index, etc.

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